• Cryolipolysis (fat freezing)

This revolutionary new fat loss method is for people who want to remove local fat deposits. Cryolipolysis is an excellent treatment for love handles, back fat; loose fat above the hips, legs, arms and belly.

The Cooling procedure using Cryolipolysis is fundamentally different from other invasive procedures (like liposuction) with no downtime or possible complications.


How does the technology work?

By targeting the subcutaneous adipose tissue, where the triglyceride in fats will be converted into a solid in particular low temperatures. Cyolopolysis uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target fat bulges and dissolve fat cells permanently through a gradual process that does not harm the surrounding tissue and reduces unwanted fat. When fat cells are exposed to precise cooling they trigger a natural process that gradually reduces the thickness of the fat layer. The fat cells within the treated area are gently removed through the body’s normal metabolism process to dissolve the unwanted fat- El Naturel.


Who should avoid Cryo Fat freezing?

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective treatment for reducing body fat in most people. However, there are some people who should not receive this treatment. People with the following conditions should not do Cryo fat freezing:

  • cryoglobulinemia


Note: A very rare side effect can be Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia at the treatment site

It occurs most in men. This means the fat cells in the treatment site grow larger rather than smaller. It’s not fully understood why this occurs. While it’s a cosmetic rather than physically dangerous side effect, paradoxical adipose hyperplasia doesn’t disappear on its own.

The Non-surgical face lift technology. HIFU is a more authoritative and high-end anti-aging system that has no bleeding, no surgery, no scars, no trauma and replaces the need for traditional facial anti-aging and wrinkle surgery – including the face, improving double chins, lift and overall tightening of aging and drooping skin to restore a more visual youth.


How does the technology work?

HIFU uses high energy, focused ultrasound with deep penetration and the production of nearly 10,000 condensation points, acting on the skin deep SMAS fascia layer. This treatment can achieve the best results by the most advanced ultrasonic energy and deep penetration direct to the deep layer of the skin. Therefore, that collagen produces immediate contraction and stimulates the collagen and fiber mesh, thereby enhancing skin elasticity from the bottom of the skin.

This technology uses different depths (facial 1.5 mm、3.0mm、4.5mm probe) with the right amount of energy to the epidermis, fascia layer and collagen layer. The 4.5 mm probe to target the subcutaneous fascia layer, to produce protein coagulation reaction, so that the solidification point as the centre to produce tension around, play in the fascia layer muscle growth stretch and achieve the best effect of the plastic, pull tight; 3.0 mm. Acting on the subcutaneous collagen layer, stimulating the new collagen recombination, the new collagen can gradually tighten and enhance the skin from the inside to restore elasticity.

For the facial sagging wrinkles and other problems; one operation, the overall part of the comprehensive pull up, to achieve the overall outline of the lifting and tightening.


Deeper depths can be used on the body to decrease and eliminate the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.




  1. Safe and non-invasive: Non-invasive stimulation of deep collagen and elastic fibre proliferation.
  2. Depth: The treatment depth can be directed to the fascia (SMAS) layer as the tension effect is more obvious.
  3. One treatment: Immediate results can be achieved from only one treatment
  4. No recovery period: The treatment should not affect your normal day to day life or work
  5. The effect is long lasting: A course of treatments can be maintained for 2-3 years.
  6. Process comfort: Energy only passes through the epidermis acting on the deep layers as the epidermis has no feeling.
  7. The diagnosis and treatment process takes only 45-60 minutes, non-surgical and no recovery period.
  8. Body contouring and reduction of localized fat build up and cellulite
  9. Cost-effective to the traditional facelift methods.


What is the risk?


Rarely, some temporary numbness or bruising can be experienced, but these side effects usually go away after a few days.


Who is not a good candidate?


Common contraindications are:

Impaired motor functions, namely paralysis of facial muscles

Open skin lesions at the target area,

Severe or cystic acne

Presence of herpes rashes

Metallic implants in the treatment area (materials or gold implanted in bone and tissue)

Skin diseases at the stage of development (eczema)

Epilepsy and other chronic neurological diseases

Talk to your doctor if you have a heart conditions or are using blood thinners.

This technique is performed by using high frequency facial machines that have glass electrodes filled with gas in it, which are intended to generate increased heat in the skin, increased blood flow, and enrichment of oxygen tissue.

This type of procedure is essential in skin cleansing and other anti-acne treatments, since it reduces inflammation and redness, while also having a bactericidal action. After the extraction of pimples and blackheads, the high frequency facial has the property of closing the pores that have been opened with the steam to work deeply.


What are the benefits?

  • In skin cleansing and other anti-acne treatments as it reduces inflammation and redness, while making life impossible for the bacteria responsible for acne.
  • In individuals with irritated, congested, and reactive skin that have problems with facial sensitivity situations.
  • In dull skins that lack of tone, giving it back some life due to its reaffirming effects.


Who should avoid High Frequency?

Common contraindications are:


Pregnancy and Breastfeeding



Prednisone and other steroid medications (treatment will increase inflammation)

Numb or insensitive to heat


Active implanted device such as pacemaker or defibrillator


The IPL technology is based on selective absorbability. When the intensive pulsed light penetrates the epidermis, the energy of light will be greatly absorbed by the pigment in the epidermis. Integrated with the excellence of IPL this technology makes use of selective absorbability of skin, results in the impedance differences between the target skin tissue and normal skin tissue. Different depths offer different treatments including pigmentation, skin rejuvenation, wrinkle removal, vascular treatment, hair removal and acne therapy.


What are the benefits of IPL?

Benefits are:

  • Smoother Skin
  • Improved Skin Tone
  • Pigmentation treatment
  • Sun Spots reduction
  • Sun Damage
  • Freckles treatment
  • Rosacea treatment
  • Scar Reduction
  • Skin Discoloration
  • Red Vein Treatment
  • Facial & Body hair removal
  • Age Spots removal
  • Reduction of Fine Wrinkles
  • Acne treatment
  • Scar reduction
  • Safe
  • No down-time
  • Fast


Who should avoid IPL?


Common contraindications are:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Blood thinners

Currently or recently taking the acne drug Accutane

Having active acne

Skin suffering from resurfacing disorders

Being susceptible to keloid scarring

Severe scarring

Having suffered severe sunburn recently


What are the risks?


skin discoloration


How does it work?

LED emits special wavelength of light, which can include blue light wavelength, red light wavelength, green and near infrared light wavelengths that penetrate the skin. These specially calibrated lights have each their own purpose. LED light therapy is safe as ti does not contain UV rays, which can be harmful to the skin without causing burns. It is safe to use on all skin colours and types.


Red LED Light Therapy [wave length: 630nm]

Improves scaring,

Improves acne scaring

Stimulates collagen

Reduces skin inflammation

Improves the condition of the skin in general.

  • It works when the mitochondria, otherwise known as the powerhouse of the cell, in the skin cells absorb the light particles. It can help the cells produce energy so that the cells may be able to respond better to damage and rejuvenate themselves.


Blue LED Light Therapy [wave length: 423nm]

Effectively inhibits the reproduction of bacterium

weakens the secretion of sebaceous glands.

This regulates the balance of water and oil whilst not damaging any of the

skin tissue.

Purifies the skin

  • Blue light therapy is highly effective in treating acne, and acne scars, and it has been used to heal injured tissue, preventing scar tissue, and speeding up the healing process

Purple Light Therapy [Blue LED light + Red LED light] [wave length 390nm]


The blue light mixed with the red light beautifies the skin with the red light promoting the metabolism of skin cells and the secretion of collagen whilst the

blue light helps replenish the skin. Overall it has a balancing and calming effect on the skin.


Green LED Light Therapy [around 525nm]

It has a balancing effect on the completion, reducing hyper-pigmentation, lightens sun spots, and minimises redness and dark circles.


Who should avoid LED light therapy?

Clients on certain medications, such as isotretinoin (Accutane), for acne or use tropical treatments that cause sensitivity to sunlight.

Needle-free Mesotherapy is currently the most popular alternative to invasive injection beauty. It holds the same benefits as more invasive techniques, yet is painless, non-bruising, natural, and safe. Needle-free Mesotherapy has no side effects, is suitable for all skin types. The device uses associated stimulus pulse ultrasonic wave and alternating current of variable shapes.


By using a mild low-frequency currency together with ultrasound, the natural serums are transported via small channels through the skin’s surface and deep down into the cellular level. By using natural ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamins, peptides and hyaluronic acid the skin appears healthier, smoother, toned and more youthful.

A minimally invasive skin resurfacing procedure that is used to treat uneven skin tone and texture, sun damaged skin, stretch marks, melasma, and scars (including acne scars.)


How does it work?


It uses a diamond tipped applicator head to remove the upper layer of the epidermis (Stratum corneum), the dead skin and debris are vacuumed and filtered into the system and discarded.


What are the benefits?

  • Skin will appear soft, even and toned
  • Refines reduces appearances of pores
  • Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Diminished post-acne marks and scars
  • Even skin colour and gradual reduction of pigmentation disorders
  • Gradual recovery of ageing skin
  • Improved product application and penetration



Can be used as stand-alone treatment or a booster treatment (e.g. prior a chemical peel)

The skin needling system allows controlled induction of the skins self-repair mechanism by creating micro “injuries” in the skin which triggers new collagen synthesis yet does not pose the risk of permanent scarring.

These cells diminish through time and age. Therefore, skin needling will help re-build those fibroblasts with multiple treatments. Microneedling treatment is great for, oily acne prone skin, mature fine lines, open pores, scarring, acne scarring.


What are the benefits?

  • Increased collagen production
  • Natural skin rejuvenation
  • Effectively repairs scars
  • Acne scars repair
  • Elimination of stretch marks
  • Instant results, that actually improve over time
  • Reduces discolouration
  • Renews tired looking skin.
  • Lines and wrinkles are reduced
  • Enhances the texture of the skin
  • Can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin tightening
  • Increases hydration


Who should avoid Microneedling?

  • Cosmeceutical Retinol within the last 7 days (in the treatment area)
  • Topical prescription retinol within the last 2 weeks (in the treatment area)
  • Pacemaker, defibrillator or electronically
  • Implanted device/cardiac disorders
  • Anticoagulant medication
  • Metal pins/plates (in the treatment area)
  • Sunburn
  • Isotretinoinwithin  the  last  6  months  (e.g. Roaccutane, Oratane)
  • Eczema or Psoriasis (in the treatment area)
  • Depilatory cream within the last week (in the treatment area)
  • Laser or IPL hair reduction, waxing within the last 1–2 weeks (in the treatment area)
  • Pregnant, breast-feeding, IVF treatment or trying to conceive
  • Auto-immune disease
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Diabetes
  • Inflamed Rosacea or profuse redness
  • Fungal dermatitis
  • History of abnormal or keloid scarring
  • Active cold sore on the area to be treated
  • Chemical or radiation therapy
  • Sun exposure 2 weeks prior
  • Anti-wrinkle treatment within the last 2 weeks
  • Dermal Fillers within the last 4 weeks
  • Active acne
  • Haemophilia

The RT treatment uses a device that heats the deep layer of skin (dermis) to produce collagen. It combines Multi-Polar Radio-Frequency (MP-RF) treatments and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) that are completely safe and stimulate collagen growth, reducing wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines.


Collagen is the main structure of the skin, however, collagen and elastin production will reduce because of sun oxidation and air pollution over time. The skin will gradually lose elasticity, flexibility and tension. Sagging skin or other visible signs of ageing will appear.


How does RF Treatment Work?

RF targets the surface layer to deliver the exact amount of Radio Frequency energy to the deeper layers of the skin and its underlying tissue. The heat will accelerate the blood cycle and let the collage fibre structure will shrink and remodel over time, resulting in tighter skin and facial contouring.


What are the benefits?


Precise treatment and depth control for varying skin conditions


Minimal damage to the epidermis with low risk of side effects


Fast recovery so minimal ‘down time’ after treatment


Precisely controlled Bi-polar RF energy suits all skin types

Non-invasive skin tightening solution

Targets any fine lines and wrinkles

Helping to lift the jowls by tightening and firming the loose skin for a better defined and youthful jawline

New collagen and elastin formation

Improved circulation

Suitable for all skin colour and types


Who should avoid Radio Frequency?

Common contraindications are:


Clients with a pacemaker or internal defibrillator

Use of Roaccutane in the last 6 months

Cystic acne

Open wounds or infections in the area to be treated

Pregnancy or breastfeeding




ScanX is a most advanced skin analysing device, which allows us to analyse fifteendifferent skin symptoms. It provides a comprehensive data analysis of the skin toprescribe the correct treatment solutions  tailored   to  individual client’s needs. ScanXhas 5 core specters that include: sunlight, cross-polarised, parallel-polarised, UVlight, and woods light.


What is polarised and cross-polarised light?


Clinical photographs are useful for diagnostic, surveillance, teaching, compliance, and patient satisfaction. Photographs taken using the appropriate equipment and light can often illustrate more information than what is visible to the unaided eye during skin examination.


For skin conditions where no epidermal changes are present, cross-polarised light is appropriate to use. Velloushair and Langer’s Lines will disappear, and any colour changes will be evident. Colour changes that maybeappreciated more accurately from cross-polarised light are caused by a wide variety of conditions including:-Pigmented lesions, vitiligo, port-wine stains, hemangiomas, ecchymosis, post-inflammatory hy­ per/hypo-pigmentation, albinism, dermal melanocytosis, other vascular conditions, and erythema.


Parallel polarisation, on the other hand, enhances visualisation of epidermal processes and surface tex­ tures and colour. Polarised light allows clear vision of pigment networks, often guiding therapists in man­ agement and improved diagnostic accuracy.


Both fully cross-polarised and parallel polarised photographs can be captured with the ScanX device and whenviewed side by side to fully appreciate the skin changes.


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