How does it work?

LED emits special wavelength of light, which can include blue light wavelength, red light wavelength, green and near infrared light wavelengths that penetrate the skin. These specially calibrated lights have each their own purpose. LED light therapy is safe as ti does not contain UV rays, which can be harmful to the skin without causing burns. It is safe to use on all skin colours and types.



Red LED Light Therapy [wave length: 630nm]

Improves scaring,

Improves acne scaring

Stimulates collagen

Reduces skin inflammation

Improves the condition of the skin in general.

  • It works when the mitochondria, otherwise known as the powerhouse of the cell, in the skin cells absorb the light particles. It can help the cells produce energy so that the cells may be able to respond better to damage and rejuvenate themselves.


Blue LED Light Therapy [wave length: 423nm]


Effectively inhibits the reproduction of bacterium

weakens the secretion of sebaceous glands.

This regulates the balance of water and oil whilst not damaging any of the

skin tissue.

Purifies the skin

  • Blue light therapy is highly effective in treating acne, and acne scars, and it has been used to heal injured tissue, preventing scar tissue, and speeding up the healing process

Purple Light Therapy [Blue LED light + Red LED light] [wave length 390nm]


The blue light mixed with the red light beautifies the skin with the red light promoting the metabolism of skin cells and the secretion of collagen whilst the

blue light helps replenish the skin. Overall it has a balancing and calming effect on the skin.


Green LED Light Therapy [around 525nm]

It has a balancing effect on the completion, reducing hyper-pigmentation, lightens sun spots, and minimises redness and dark circles.


Who should avoid LED light therapy?

Clients on certain medications, such as isotretinoin (Accutane), for acne or use tropical treatments that cause sensitivity to sunlight.


  • Chemical Peels