HIFU- Wrinkles


Number of Treatments Time between each Treatment Area Treated Duration
01 – 04 3 months
  • Face
  • Neck
60 – 90 minutes


 A medical device that delivers precise amounts of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy into your skin. This non-surgical, non-invasive  has the effect of stimulating collagen and elastin production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and causing the skin to look younger, firmer, and more supple.



1-4 treatments a year With a maximum of 4 a year (3 months apart)

60- 90 minutes (depending on treatment area and treatment type)

Repeat treatment every 1-5 years

Small and affordable follow up HIFU sessions in targeted areas which need the most work can be very powerful to obtain the best result depending upon the degree of laxity prior to treatment.


The ultimate treatment for deeper, tighter and longer lasting lifting. Significant reduction in visible signs of fine lines and deep wrinkles
⦁ Lifts and tightens the skin
⦁ Consistency in skin tone
⦁ Skin elasticity is vastly noticeable
⦁ Reduction in under-eye dark circles
⦁ Improves facial shape and jawline
⦁ No anaesthesia required
⦁ Swift visible results-progressive improvements over the following months.

⦁ Relatively painless procedure
⦁ Can be used on all types of skin complexions
⦁ HIFU glow can be used for younger skin or as a follow up treatment:
⦁ Depth 1.5mm only (complete treatment working on forehead, eyes, including eye lift, eye bags, lips wrinkles, face, jawline, chin and neck.



Some discomfort like electric pulses when targeting the deeper tissue.
Some clients experience a toothache type discomfort for several minutes after an area has been treated.



HIFU (Complete): 3 Depths COST
Face: $ 599
Face & Neck $ 699
HIFU Glow: 1 Depth Only: COST
Face: $ 299
Face & Neck $ 399
Add on:  
LED: 20 MIN $ 39
Hyaluronic Acid/Hydrating Mask: $ 29